MuNo-Productions GbR (MuNo-DanceStudio)


Audition for professional dancers

NEW Audition out now 

for Season 2024 / 2025

Audition dance company MuNo-Productions is searching for professional dancers and apprentices based in Germany for the 2024/25 season.


Choreographic Focus:

Our choreographies are fast-paced and challenging, with a strong emphasis on expressive dance. We are seeking dancers with a solid classical technique and the ability to perform a diverse repertoire, encompassing Ballet, Modern, and Asian dance styles.


We are looking for three types of dancers:

1. Classical ballet female dancers:

    • Excellent skills in handling pointe shoes.
    • Previous experience in Pas de Deux is advantageous.

2. Ballet, modern, and acrobatic dancers (Male and Female):

    • Proficient in ballet and modern dance techniques.
    • Acrobatic skills are highly desirable.
    • Male dancers should have experience in Pas de Deux.

3. Apprentices:

    • Young and talented dancers who are still in school or have just finished school and are open-minded to learning various roles.



    • February 2, 2024: Theater Meißen
    • May 26, 2024: Theater Meißen
    • June 15, 2024: Landesbühnen Sachsen
    • Taiwan Tour in 2025


Application Information:

Interested dancers should send their resume, a portrait photo, and a link to a video showcasing their dance skills to .



MuNo-Productions GbR


Mu-Yi Chen and Norbert Kegel

"WaterDrums - Saxony meets Taiwan" hatte am 09.10.2023 zum Nationalfeiertag Taiwans seine Premiere im Maritim Hotel ProArte Berlin. Unsere Tänzer*innen haben nach harter Arbeit vor hochrangigem Publikum gerockt und die Vielseitigkeit von MuNo-Productions - Fusion of Events and Art unter Beweis gestellt. Wir bedanken uns bei der Taipeh Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für diese tolle Möglichkeit aufzutreten.

Tanz-Choreografie: Mu-Yi Chen

Probenleitung: Norbert Kegel

Assistenz: Jessica Belik

Kostüm und Maske: Birgit Rößler

Gefördert 2023:

Taiwan Culture Ministry - 台灣文化部

Kulturstiftung des freistaates Sachsen

SLM-Sächsische Landesanstaltfürprivaten Rundfunk und neue Medien

Kulturraum Meißen-Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge  Stadt Radebeul



MuNo-Productions GbR is currently seeking professional and expressive dancers with a strong background in contemporary dance technique as well as classical ballet. Female dancers should have experience and training in pointe work.




is a creative company specializing in dance art, blending Western and Asian dance styles. Founded in 2015 by Norbert Kegel and Mu-Yi Chen, we have undertaken numerous projects in Saxony and beyond. Our mission is to inspire the world with the diversity and beauty of dance and art.


We place special emphasis on the fusion of different dance styles and traditions, collaborating with artists from various countries and cultures. Our offerings include a range of dance classes, workshops, performances, and showcases. Throughout, we prioritize artistic excellence, striving for a modern and innovative approach while honoring traditional elements and roots.


MuNo-Productions is deeply rooted in Saxony, working closely with the local cultural scene. Simultaneously, we have international aspirations and aim to expand our presence on a global scale.


If you are a passionate dancer who loves the art of dance, we invite you to join our team.

Please apply by emailing , providing details of your experience, skills, and contact information.


We look forward to getting to know you and enriching the world of dance and art together.


MuNo-Productions GbR


Meißner Straße 9a

01445 Radebeul

(Autohaus Kuntzsch-Citroën

DS-Salon Dresden)

Mobil: +491634774683



Steuer-Nr. 202 / 157 / 04980

USt-IdNr.: DE311704654

Designed by MuNo-Productions

Steuernummer: 209/157/02733

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